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Joined: March 5, 2005 11:26 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 87
Dust or Ash

Just out of curiousity, Is this really Sahara dust (which I know is completely possible) or is it ash and small particulates from the volcano on Monts...

17 years ago
Re: "Don't Stop The Carnival"

Actually, I'm in error - her fictional island is St. Chris. On her website she has pictures of "St. Chris" and it is obviously St. Croix. When s...

17 years ago
Re: Year of the Locusts

I believe that we ARE talking about the 17 Year Locust and, as Jane says, there is quite a bit of information on the internet if you google "locusts" ...

17 years ago
Re: "Don't Stop The Carnival"

There are several paperbacks by Kate Grilley (all are available on Amazon): Death Dances to a Reggae Beat Death Lurks in the Bush Death Rides...

17 years ago
Re: help with location

Are these the units that are right next to the junior high school? If so I once looked at a studio unit there. It was $20,000, but the owner (who ha...

17 years ago
Re: roll call!!

Upstate NY, but twice a year to STX since 1989

17 years ago
Re: trust

Eddie, I truly hope that I'm not opening a huge can of worms here, because I too think your view is valuable. I think that what many new pos...

17 years ago
Re: Recommendations for Mother's Day Brunch on STX

H2O is your average brunch in a beautiful location. It is one of the FEW buffet brunches on island and it has mix-your-own Bloody Marys and screwdriv...

17 years ago
Re: Chihuahua Races

What can I say, my sister owns two mini-dachshunds and a Jack Russell Terrorist - it comes with the territory ;-). And sometimes the Animal Plane...

17 years ago
Re: That's Totally Unfair

Hey Promo - Pretty much OT now, but it came as a huge surprise to me to learn that dachshunds (talk about short legs!!) are faster over 40 yards ...

17 years ago
Re: Crucian Bracelet

I've had a simliar experience and won't shop there either. I do like his knot design, but this is one of the few cases where I'd buy a knock-off just...

17 years ago
Re: Crucian Bracelet

Ronnie - Isn't Brian Bishop's claim to fame is the Crucian Knot, rather than the hook? As far as I know, he is the original designer of that. In...

17 years ago
Re: Having Doubts?

Lots of good stories about Richard. He was, at one time, a very talented drummer - playing with major bands in NYC before the drug use started. Back...

17 years ago
Re: College Hill

Perhaps it's just me, but this strikes me as exactly the sort of grammatical "error" that some word processing programs "correct" - which is to say, t...

17 years ago
Re: Danish Manor open?

Even adjusting for island time, this place had become a dump (too bad, too - there is potential). I'm guessing six months to a year, unless the inten...

17 years ago
Re: hot spots

I believe the courtyard at the Caravelle is also a hot spot.

17 years ago
Re: How can a woman rape a man?!

Joan, while it doesn't say so, I believe that the charges must be statutory rape. If a minor is below a certain age it does not matter if both partie...

17 years ago
Re: Danish Manor closed? Status?

Just returned from St. Croix. The Danish Manor has been sold to the same Danish gentleman who purchased the King Christian. By outward appearances h...

17 years ago
Re: rural living on STX

Don't forget there are chickens that wander the yard at Lord God of Sabaoth Lutheran Church and in the Apothecary Courtyard . Both are in downtown Ch...

17 years ago
Re: Construction projects on STT or STX

Linda, Girlfriend - that 32 degrees is looking like a heatwave to me LOL!!! Can't wait to see you and Ric! And it sounds like they must hir...

17 years ago
Re: Hello from kold kloudy Kentucky

Hey - I resemble that remark! Greetings from frozen upstate NY, where last week we had wind chills to -25 degrees. Fortunately I'm still about 60 mi...

17 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 972
Re: What is YOUR favorite restaraunt?!

St. Croix - Ditto Shenanigans for breakfast and lunch - great food, great price, squeaky clean. I'm also fond of Bombay Club for a wide variety of fo...

18 years ago
Re: best temporary housing??

There are some reports on Just search for Samuel's Cottages.

18 years ago
Re: Getting Settled

You're welcome Onika! I laughed out loud when I read his report about setting up housekeeping in what many consider the most cosmopolitan city in the...

18 years ago
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