How about that, a better way to do things around here! Great news; thank you for sharing.
That is true. They did pass legislation to speed up the probate process but that has done nothing to improve the length of time it continues to take a...
Is the decrease due to drop in oil or propane conversion? At current oil prices, propane might not offer predicted savings since I assume their price ...
The more important question: will everyone get free turkeys next Thanksgiving?!
Shouldnt the lawyers gotten the testimony before the plea deal? They should have made the plea deal contingent on his full cooperation. Fa... well as an Innovative outage!!! 2nd outage on STX today! Wonder what's up - with one on STT also? Retribution?
Wonder why WAPA went out this time? It's been a perfect day! What's your location, malibutaxan07? I'm in the Morningstar hill area. The power h...
Power out right now? Happy Thanksgiving from WAPA.
Hate to break it to you but WE are not indigenous. Our ancestors all came from somewhere else looking for a new life, freedom and opportunities. ...
Google can't read your mind. It's not the DMV herd but the BMV. I googled "vehicle registration virgin islands" and the site was first listing. /b...
Latest release has 33 of 37 precincts reporting (as of 9:30pm): PRECINCTS COUNTED (OF 37) . . . . . 33 89.19 % -------------------...
My reaction would have been to laugh hysterically, jump up and down flapping my arms like a deranged chicken, contort my face and blurt out a quick gu...
Supposedly it's in a law. Gives people an opportunity to vote for whoever they want. Very strange if it is in the law.
It seems as though this forum has now been hijacked as political support for particular candidates instead of them paying for paid political advertisi...
Results as of 9:29pm last night: 13th Report
How is hiring new tax collectors going to increase revenue? Its like the one wants to arrest their inlaws. That's where non-reside...
a vote for coffelt was essentially a vote for mapp. 2 more percentage points and he wins outright. I think that was the strategy all along, and ...
26 of 37 precincts reporting (12 in STX, 14 in STT/STJ): 10th Report
22 of 37 precincts reporting (11 in STX, 11 in STT/STJ): 9th Report
20 of 37 precincts reporting (9 in STX, 11 in STT/STJ): 8th Report
15 of 37 precincts reporting (8 in STX, 7 in STT/STJ): 7th Report
13 precincts reporting (7 in STX, 6 in STT/STJ): 6th Report Based on the number of write-ins, things aren't looking too hot for Chucky. -_-
10 precincts reporting (6 in STX, 4 in STT/STJ): 5th Report
As of 11:18pm (4 precincts in STX reporting; 0 in STT/STJ): 4th Results
I wrote you in; I sure hope your legal name is CruzanIron. You just voted for my motorcycle! I have full faith in your motorcycle bringing p...