I read this article today and I really had to laugh. I agree it sounds more like they are paying this company to find negative posts so they can prov...
My husband and I went to STX for a job interview in August 2005 and we stayed at the Best Western. It can be a little tricky to find; the room we rese...
Unfortunately, I didn't catch her name, but she was a young woman approximately 25 years old. Maybe try on Mondays? I think it helped that I...
Before you head down, you may want to find out the process to become a licensed teacher if you plan on teaching. I assume you will want to start teach...
My husband and I moved to STT in November. I came ahead because of my job and found a 2 bed / 1 ba to rent that allowed our 2 Labrador Retrievers. It ...
Thanks for the help! It is greatly appreciated. We are going to try it again and I'll let you all know how it goes.
A lot of the expense will depend on where you live, IMHO. Where we lived, SW Missouri, our closest airport did not have planes, regardless of the...
My husband flew down with our two Labrador Retrievers last Friday. We used the 400 series crates purchased at Petsmart. We used Delta and although it ...
I believe the government of VI hires and has positions for folks with degrees in finance and economics. Other than banks and the government, I am not ...
I believe the product that she is referring to is available at K-Mart. I was just there today and saw a product with 3 different cleansers and said "c...
You might want to scan the Island Trader or Classifieds in the Virgin Ilands Daily News to see if you can even find something comparable, and if so, h...
It is online. If you go to the Virgin Islands Daily News and click on the Island Trader picture, it will go to it. It comes out online on Thursdays. Y...
I'm a little confused. Are the extra fees you had to pay for the inspection due to increased storage for 30 days or are you actually required to ...
Onika who posts on this board has a place she rents out for PMVs on STT. You may want to private message her and see if it is available. I belie...
Funny to have read this as we had a similar experience with them in May in person. Never received a return call as promised and felt as though they on...
Hey Jen - Thanks for the post! Curious what kind of car you have? You may be looking at the wrong information on the door sticker as th...
There is a Home Depot on STT, but no Wal-Mart (yet). There was an interesting thread months ago about the pros/ cons of chain stores coming to the isl...
Hey Kyle - I sent you a PM. Let me know if you don't get it. Sorry it took so long to respond. I kind of lost track of this thread.
Thanks so much for the info. I will be going through the process soon and really appreciate your posts.
Dear Kyle - What a small world! My younger sister is a sophomore at MSU. My husband and I work in Springfield. We are relocating to STT at t...
I am so glad your "baby" made it. How scary to think your previous vet didn't catch it! Thanks for the recommendation. It is appreciated.
You are awesome! This has been very helpful. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the suggestion. Do you have a recommendation for a vet on STT? Fortunately, my sister has agreed to watch them until we get settled. I want...
I can only speak from my experience so for what it is worth .... I had interviews before I passed the bar exam, even from firms that said in thei...
Thanks so much! Purina One might be one to try. I appreciate the suggestion. I don't want to pack a bunch of dog food and try changing their...