My Best of the West is "Uca Kitchen" the Vegetarian Place with lots of daily good eats. Don't forget to try their spicy popcorn! Its behind KFC and T...
I thank you for you insight. I will look at getting flyers out and posted up. I am on the registration list VI Govt Office near Golden Rock. I v...
Thanks for everyone's help. This is one of my favorite places to come virtually on island. I have applied mostly for all jobs that are administra...
I too am looking for employment since November. I have applied over and over again. I have looked tirelessly in the St Croix Avis and sent in res...
I write resumes as part of some virtual services I offer. Let me know if I can assist. Send me a PM
I was reading and learning the same thing. What I understand is that the VI Code hasn't been updated since 1950's and the VI adopted the Nationa...
I am mid-island (STX), and my cell roams in the house and in various areas, yet my husband on the other hand cell phone doesnt.
Thanks for the information.
I second that!
Are the youth housed with the adults or is it a separate facility? I was wondering what services are available for the mentally ill ...are they h...
I saw some of those documents from the School district (philadelphia) on line
If on STX....try NR Electric (sion farms area)
Yes, Onika....its true...just saw it on TV.
I haven't read too many positive things about her.
Didn't ya' know that we we drink Cruzan Single Barrel Rum at Gallows Bay?
What I meant was being vocal with all authorities who are in position regarding the educational system.
There is a lot of information already posted here on this forum. I would recommend doing a search on this forum (don't limit the dates to 30 days) and...
Well, since my last post, got a call. Someone at the second office (Special Services) took a "Look" at the enrollment form, phoned back to verify if m...
Are there any job openings at the school?
I agree....Freecycle and I have sold many things on craigslist. One vote for each!
Greetings Family I only joined less than a month ago and I have learned so much. I would also like to add a huge thanks for those of you ...
Chuck, Will you be adding Karaoke and some open mic poetry at your venue. - Arts-N-Crafts
Thanks for the information. I hope to gather more information from everyone contributing to the message board. ---Arts-N-Crafts Teacher
Greetings (First Time Posting) I am relocating to STX in about 2 months from St Louis,Missouri------ currently I work in the field of social serv...