I hope my comedy isn't scaring people away. It is actually a pretty good car on island standards. Any takers?
There are bars in Red Hook, who knew? :@)
Spent all afternoon having a great conversation with a new friend on Coki Beach, rented some beach chairs, drank some cold beer, ate some over cooked ...
The TFR (temporary flight restriction) for his arrival has been out for days and Seaborne still departed. Very poor planning! Are you sure they actu...
Welcome to season. We are in full swing! 🙂
This is the best one I have found, and the one most of the pilots use at work.
People in bikinis and swimming trunks on a small island in public does not bother me. As you travel further down island, clothes become more or less ...
This doesn't just happen here. When I lived in Milwaukee and it rained hard they would pump sewage into Lake Michigan. I agree, it should not be all...
Elders! Two thumbs way up! (tu)(tu) Jeep needed a sway bar, tie rod, and U joint. Parts from the states arrived in 3 days if he can not get t...
After a miserable experience at "western auto" aka "advanced auto parts" Elders now has the Jeep. They made the problem worse and made the jeep almos...
LIAT..... Luggage in another town. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Sent you a PM with my number.
we are in compliance with AXA regulations. My husband got the permit while here in Nov. Health certificate was obtained monday moring, it is now it ...
Try Kimba at the NW corner of Hospital Gade and Seventh Day Adventist st. I am looking for Kimba's number in the phone book with no luck. I am ...
Make sure you are going to be able to comply with our pet policy, as there are special policies set up for AXA. Here is the link.
I fly to San Juan for my hair cuts. :@)
I went out to eat at Shipwreck on STT last night, and they are already enforcing it, but the wait staff said business is way down. The night before t...
Good job with the customer service, and helping out another business. Wish we saw more of this in general. 🙂
I've seen popflops pool glove, she means business! For some reason I find this hilarious. 😀
If the guy owns a car or a house, you can put a lien on it, so eventually you will get paid. Otherwise you have to rely on the court marshal to get t...
Do they take jumpseaters? 😀
Just remember, just because you win a judgment, doesn't mean you will ever see a dime. If he is a deadbeat, then he will likely continue to be a dead...
Easy solution, hop a Cape Air flight to San Juan, leave plenty of time for your connection in San Juan where you can get to virtually any region of th...
Would like them to enact an open container law. That would be like having a open container law on the strip in Vegas, or on Beale Street in Memph...