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Joined: January 13, 2010 12:57 am
Topics: 5 / Replies: 49
Re: snake

Islandjoan, I agree with you 100%! People should be ashamed for arbitrarily killing animals out of fear or fun. For the Virgin Islands, it woul...

9 years ago
Re: snake

Lol....true! It's a difficult never ending job to protect our islands environment. Another good example on STX is this introduced meat eating ...

9 years ago
Re: snake

CruzanIron I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give that impression at all. What I meant is that all snakes are perfect in their native environments, BUT an e...

9 years ago
Re: snake

I totally agree with you ms411. To bad we humans never learn for our past mistakes.

9 years ago
Re: snake

I understand the reluctance to kill any animals, but exotic snakes are a grave danger to our fragile islands. AND It is against our Virgin Island laws...

9 years ago
Re: snake

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an animal killer at all...sometimes I even get upset eating a hamburger! But there is NO place safe to relocate these...

9 years ago
Re: snake

Take it from someone that had a home in South Florida, you should want every exotic snake destroyed on these islands. Just think of the damage they ca...

9 years ago
Re: The library is closed...again

I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but THAT library is an architectural nightmare. It looks more like a cheap stateside medical clinic. For ...

9 years ago
Re: Save Salt River Bay

vicanuck [ PM ] Re: Save Salt River Bay new May 13, 2014 08:01AM Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 710 "Preserve" doesn't necessarily mean abs...

10 years ago
Re: Save Salt River Bay

Salt River Bay is one of the most significant treasures of natural, cultural, scientific, and recreational resources in the U.S. Virgin Islands. It ...

10 years ago
Re: Save Salt River Bay

and thanks Alana 33 🙂 we need all the help we can get from people on St Thomas! keep the message out there ~ and spread the word!

10 years ago
Re: Save Salt River Bay

the simple fact...the simple that the NPS and the universities associated with the proposed MREC are attempting to construct a huge campus ...

10 years ago
Re: Cop SHOT in Shootout!

The story is always the same for the perps. Check them out. Google their names or search on vidailynews or stxsource. Criminal histories...s...

10 years ago
Re: FINALLY - Senators busted for parking in Handicapped spots.

Miss Justice.... I am curious. Which of our politicians do you feel are honest? Please tell me if there is anyone senator or public official that I ...

10 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1837

Julie...didn't realize posted twice. first attempt showed as "spam" do I delete one of the posts? own stock in my stat...

10 years ago
Re: Banning Corporal Punishment

I am not surprised that corporal punishment is more abusive here than those of us... of a "certain age"... remember it from stateside schools. Agree...

10 years ago
Re: St. Croix crime...the truth

Sunny Caribe writes in response to Rotorhead: "I will never understand why a significant percentage of the 'continental' population, generally people ...

11 years ago
Re: moving with a parrot

Hi! Bolongo Girl...I brought my parrot to St Croix without problems. Bethany Bradford was an angel and savior in making the process happen...but she i...

11 years ago
Re: Leo's in Five Corners

Dear Leo 🙂 I wanted to let management and staff to know what a great job you are doing! Over the past few months I have enjoyed many good meals...f...

11 years ago
Re: Help - Can you drive on the beach? - STX

We are all "Crucians"...Continuing to LABEL people as "locals" "natives" "continentals", quite simply a subtle form of segregation! We are ...

11 years ago
Re: Shooting Last Night

You and your wife are brave strong people. Our little island is wonderfully blessed to have you living here.

12 years ago
Re: Save Salt River and Bioluminescent Bay!

Neil, I'm sorry but I totally, and respectfully disagree with your five statements listed above. Your comment that this project is a research and e...

12 years ago
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