Estimable Member
Joined: January 31, 2007 11:04 pm
Topics: 66 / Replies: 168
Re: McDonalds "fast" "food"

Here is an interesting article.

11 years ago
Re: McDonalds "fast" "food"

These studies saying GMO food is safe are done by folks who work for Monsanto and other companies who make a LOT of $. Why would you believe them just...

11 years ago
Re: McDonalds "fast" "food"

When I looked into the back of a kentucky fried stateside several years ago, I was grossed out by the crud built up on the floor with the middle part ...

11 years ago
Re: Interesting - New ISP offering hi-speed satelite internet with VI Coverage

As the trend moves tward wireless the VI has been digging up the roads to install cable. They are probably spending millions for the project on an isl...

11 years ago
Re: shipping a firearm to STT

You can get a permit only if they are in the mood to issue one.

11 years ago
Re: boston bombings

I'm just sayin' folks should not blindly believe everything they are spoon fed. Look at different sides of the fence and use your brain to determine w...

11 years ago
Re: boston bombings

dougtamjj has some good points. People need to wake up! visitand read drudge report Mainstream media is advertising. It is not the unbiased news it ...

11 years ago
Re: Anyone know of any pharmacies taking on interns for a few weeks?

My friends daughter graduated from pharmacy school last year. She was working as a cashier at a local drugstore a couple of weeks ago. St Thomas will ...

11 years ago
Re: Travelers needed to Boston area to accompany pets to new homes!

Perhaps the Connections board on St John would be a good place to get the word out (put up a flyer). Lots of travelers read it. I wonder if Tourism mi...

11 years ago
Re: Can one Camp in tent on Islands

Not much camping really, St John has a national park but is becoming more of a police state (rangers armed, did not used to be::sensors installed in p...

11 years ago
Re: Travelers needed to Boston area to accompany pets to new homes!

My little boy was set to go to Boston and the deal fell through. Now he is mine and he gets a lifetime of love right here on STT. They really do deser...

11 years ago
Re: USVI fails to make the cut.

St John keeps its crime from print. For true!

11 years ago
Re: Now what's up with WAPA?

"The cable is being installed on BOTH sides of the road. so when one side is finished the trenches are dug on the opposite side." Some places they ...

11 years ago
Re: Car repain

I have found Advance Auto Parts formerly Western Auto to be professional and fair especially for smaller jobs. They fixed a flat for $10, got my ebrak...

12 years ago
Re: looking for a teaching job on St. Thomas

My friend teaches art at a STT school. They have so little respect for what she does, they expect her to teach special ed art cause art is just BS any...

12 years ago
Re: Robbed last night

I suppose they could put a chain across instead of stealing a poor mans $100. But which would make them feel more superior? Those who say "you should ...

12 years ago
Re: Robbed last night

Not only will I not do it again, but the taco hell tacos were really greasy and salty. I needed 3 tums before I could sleep. I'm never spending anoth...

12 years ago
Re: Robbed last night

It was the spaces in front of the fishing club and, yes, admittedly there was a sign. But whats the point in enforcing it when the business has been c...

12 years ago
Re: Flu Shot

I encourage people to think for themselves and not always blindly follow all advice given. Our experts are are "real experts" yours are only "psudo ex...

12 years ago
Re: STT- dog behind Home Depot

I passed by there today and did not see anything, although I routinely see homeless dogs by the bolongo dumpsters.

12 years ago
Re: Flu Shot

Do you have a link or source? I bet the "debunking" has been done by interests of big pharma who is in bed with big finance.

12 years ago
Re: dengue fever

I agree that those with weak immune systems are more vulnerable, but would advise against using chemical repellants. which are also risky for the weak...

12 years ago
Re: Flu Shot

The greater good - documentary, worth a look.

12 years ago
Re: Cruise schedule

Inconvenient or not, I'm really happy to see more ships (money) coming to STT. The pendulum of slow season is starting to swing the other way, I think...

12 years ago
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