bumpity bump - still looking
Highest bid is now $4,500. $5,000 anyone? Just a few days left.
Update- I'm selling a 2004 white Express van (cargo van) model 2500 on St Thomas. It is in great shape with mostly stateside miles (70,000). I have ...
Bump - I need it soon can anyone help?
Sorry, its St Thomas. Yes, I know it will not be easy. Nothing has been easy since I moved to St Thomas!
Dayquil, Sprite, chicken noodle soup, rest.
I have seen local honey even at Plaza Extra on STT. It is in with the other stuff up on the top shelf in smaller, more expensive containers. Sometimes...
I had the Dominican style saltfish and boiled eggs at Snow White the new little place at Tillitt Garden a couple of weeks ago. It is a standard Sunday...
Be careful with pallets from outdoors. I built a sink base of pallet wood not long ago. Some of it had termites. Painting it would help as it is usual...
There is one at the mailbox place next to the big K Mart.
Priests threatened with arrest if they minister to military during shutdown. Read more:
Feds Try to Close the OCEAN Because of Shutdown.
So the officers playing golf is "essential" while the WW!! vets are threatened with arrest at memorials and we can't use the playground by the nationa...
Mainstream media only gives you what has been approved by the ministry of truth.
Obama ordered the closures, even of some places that are privately owned and operated. It is a show. The presidents golf course is still open, his pri...
Check this out - Walmart: The High Cost Of Low Prices Walmart and Wallgreens are vampires. They are here to suck some of the already tight money fr...
Agenda 21 wants to reduce world population by 80-90%.
Things could get scary if the Fed Gov can't continue to give cause they have no money. I would think about it and plan. Really! Grow food, plan for hi...
Thank you all who replied! Just curious - What kind of a non-profit is "My Brother's Workshop"? I have seen the place. I like to help folks who need t...
Thank you all who replied! I will be taking care of it soon. I'm just a little freaked out that I have made it this far! I did not expect I would!
Many children who are permanent residents wear long sleeve rash guards and hats when on the beach. Also, you almost never see a resident sitting on t...
Oh, and how about the reports that some Chinese imported honey is corn syrup desguised as honey! Stay away from the Chinese plastic "rice" too.
Kind of related to the GMO discussion earlier, most honey in the grocery store is not technically honey because the pollen has all been micro filtered...