Last seen: December 11, 2018 9:31 am
By Chicken Charlies?
Thanks Novanut. Glad to see you have finally made it down here.
Novanut, I remember you from long ago too, as well as the other "4 yearers". I haven't had online access for the past three years since I moved her...
The back tax bills are out. Any deliquencies through 2005 are on one past due bill. The amnesty or waiver of interest and fees is from June 2 throug...
All the above names are inspirational to me in their own ways. Thanks for the name and I have seen him and many others that get out and get around. ...
Ronnie I have to agree. I have not been on line for a year "thank you STX" Can barely type from memory and trying to remember the keyboard. My good...
Hi Chuck I thought that was you! I helped you and Larry out with the space for building the tables and the container. I hope everything is going w...
Sensei, I really feel that in all fairness and after reading this entire thread that I went out on a limb as one of the oldest board members to poli...
Oh Boy! After driving in a LHD on the left for the past year, I can honestly say that on my visit with hubby here in Toledo, I have a great tan and w...
I just went through all this on STX. The process was simple. I also had the dilemma of wanting the duplicate Ohio license before surrendering it to ...
Would also like to add our condolances for your loss. And ours as well. So disappointed not to have met Linda more than once. Her love and encourag...
Thank you for all your wonderful messages. Teresa, anytime! HipCrip - thats tomorrow and I hope you are feeling good. Melissa and Alexandra, I hop...
We made our flight just fine on Aug 9. We had Alie out of her gym bag twice until we arrived at Linda's (and than she peed and peed and .....) once w...
Hi ME, Its ME! Two full days and counting. I will let everyone know asap about the process with Alie. All I can do is hope and pray at this point....
Becky, We tried the harness but it seems like it still constricts around the bottom area of the neck. Nothing and I mean nothing on her has worked....
Becky, I am so concerned about the bag size, I did not even think about the screening phase. Now I'm worried again. Little Alie was abused as a pu...
HC! You have five now! Yipes! Newbie, I have been obsessive about my baby. She is a miniture 6lb 6oz Jack Russell. She loves her little crat...
I agree again! LOL
Govols, which island? Nevermind, I see it is StT. Skipped that one earlier!
I agree, although it is difficult. I would rather have an "evil Eve' and 'good Eve' for names. There are many times I start a reply and delete it be...
Yolanda, I remember your excitement in moving to StJ in the first place. You have always been helpful on the Vinow site. The comments came from th...
Actually, I would like the board 'burdened' because I am interested in the same info. When posts are on the general board then the information on opi...
I say do it also. What if you keep putting it off and ten years from now you look at each other and say "we were so close and..." Maybe you really w...
Just a question as to whether or not people use the gutter systems there. By what I mean: It is a cap fitted over the eavestrough to prevent the lea...
Rh1958, I don't know who the 'troll' is but give it little credit. The names in blue are the ones you can contact privately in some way. The names ...