That temperature can not be higher than 85 degrees at any point the plane is taking off or landing or stopover to change planes. Usually you have to w...
PLEASE post some pics of the new place. Would love to see what it looks like now. I don't live on the island so need to see the pics and everyone else...
The economy has taken its effect on everyone. We tend to get angry at the least little thing... we are all worried that we may lose our jobs, our home...
Hey TRW, how can you smell the bush fire from where you live if it's in LaValle?
Living in Charlotte, N.C. now...Lived in STX in 06
Definately Davis Bay at Carambola. Go all the way down to the left and go out and around the rocks and you will see octopus, schools of squid, yellowt...
Check with Frankie at Lobster Reef.... he is usually hiring...
You go girl :o))
Sorry Tam....I was distracted earlier and didn't mention that I am sooooo sorry about your dog... It is such an awful thing when that happens.... Take...
Winds were about 40 to 50 MPH here in Charlotte too Tammy. The only good thing is that it blew all the rain out and maybe now the sun will dry up the ...
Thank God for turtleneck sweaters!
Tammy, just remember, kids don't always tell the Charlotte
If this is how islander is changing the message board then I am out of here.... it's way too confusing and hard to maneuver
Bruce always said, if you try to download my music and not go out and buy the cd then it will come back to haunt you....Now I know what he was talking...
Trade, I drink that right before I get on the plane....... Charlotte
I work at the airport in Charlotte and you can take mini bottles as long as they lay flat in a ziplock quart bag....that would be about 8...everything...
I can remember Kelly (from OTW and Beach Bar) and I talking about the open liquor rule and she told me that when she first moved to STX she was drivin...
What are sliders?
With that much rum I can see
Drinking raw about salmonella poisoning... just curious...
LOL,,,Looks like another WII for Christmas, huh Santa?
They take a stool sample to see if you can handle all the sh*t that you are going to have to put up with.
The way the economy is headed, for the next 16 months it will be off season....
Oops, TRW, you may just have opended a can of worms! Now everyone will want to know how to get in touch with him for a Charlotte
Tammy, so sorry for all your troubles. With the economy the way it is now, you do not need any of this sh*t going on. Yeah, today in Charlotte it wa...