I saw this ship at a Tall Ships Festival in Virginia a few years back. She is an amazing ship. If you have the chance, check her out.
Poppi retired. Tried to sell the business but there were no takers. Sold all equipment a few weeks ago. Ran into Poppi at The Galleon last month. He t...
We had multiple garage sales, used a few Facebook local sale pages and the Letgo app. We donated a bunch of stuff to the Vets. We still filled a shipp...
We were relocated to St Croix for my wife's job this past July. We moved from Philly where we had everything that we could want just a short distance ...
Where's the emoji for "stick it?" (tu):-o
oh, the people i have talked to did have claims. but maybe it was just them Gotcha! I guess I'll stick with Marshall Sterling
Has anyone used Leeward or Guardian Insurance on STX? They both came up in the Google search when I was looking for Marshall Sterling info.
Awesome. Good luck!
The real question is, can Trump beat Biden? I don't think he can. I think the FBI/DOJ will ramp up the indictment chatter after Bernie is "forced" out...
Geeze, you should've tried sailing into Anagada back in the day when there were sticks for entrance markers. Ditto for coming into many south and cent...
What stores on St Thomas carry Sanuks? I know flip flip shop used to. Wonder if they're still open? I saw one pair on their website that I'd like to t...
I am a big Sanuk fan. They are the most comfortable flip flop that I have ever owned. I think I have four pairs currently in my closet. However, for m...
There is a pot bellied pig along with two big hogs at Mt. Pellier Hut Domino Club, the home of the Beer Drinking Pigs, on St Croix. I think a pig wou...
They made all the sizes bigger so that large people could feel smaller by ordering a smaller size! For example if you used to be size 10, now siz...
Sounds like one helluva guy
I am brave enough to dive with great whites and tiger sharks the size of a car but I would never venture into building here lol. BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Also, I just heard from a reliable source that there will be a direct, daily American flight (airbus, 128 pax) from JFK to STX by the end of summer. T...
You don't really think anyone believes that, do you? She's a shrewd business woman who understands that, on many Caribbean islands, the movie theater ...
I'm FREEZING! I've been so cold for the last two days. I can't believe I ever used to think that 73 was swimming weather... in Lake Michigan nonethe...
The shows are still pretty entertaining. Favorite scenario: people who go shopping for beachfront/waterfront, with a pool and maybe a hot tub, close t...
Every vacation we take, part of my research involves if/where I can buy and smoke a few cigars. It isn't a driving force as to where we go. It just de...
I use Waze everywhere I go. It is an amazing app as long as you have a decent data plan on your phone. Last winter on STT, it got us lost once which w...
Merry Christmas everyone. We were hoping to be celebrating Christmas as new residents on STX this year but that didn't work out. Next year, we'll be t...
I would love to see more schools on island pushing kids toward programming. It is a high paying career with lots of opportunity. Schools here should b...